Winter Wonderland

Winter Wonderland

As for God, His way is perfect; The Lord’s word is flawless; he wields all who take refuge in Him. For who is God besides the Lord? And who is rock except our God? It is God who arms me with strength and keeps my way secure.

Hello everybardieeeee. It’s been a while since I’ve last posted about anything… I think it’s ultimately due to laziness and lack of motivation (hah, similar to all the habits I’ve picked up and dropped anyway). But since there’s nothing much to do in the days forward… I’m just lazing around the house and waiting for my newly embroidered eyebrows to settle so that I may become active again (I pray hard for this)!

Cambodia Mission Trip, 6-10th December 2014

The trip has proved to be more than amazing – It was also filled with reflective moments, especially since I was the main scribe for the team and had to take note of the details of the trip. Also, making the trip with really experienced short-term mission trippers is very much different as compared to making the trip with first-timers. Also, being the youngest means that everybody expects less of you… So, I could (thank God) concentrate on tackling my exams and be minimally involved in the planning :P But then again, part of the process is learning on the go, being flexible/adaptable with unexpected changes and shock events, etc. I think I’ve been most relaxed during this mission trip, and I could direct my focus 100% into serving and interacting with those around me.

However, I came back with sore throat and flu, so I had to stay in for 3 days and miss the youth camp “Greater”. But God is good, and he blessed me with some culinary inspiration during my stay at home, and I’ve come to realise that avocados are amazinggggg. I hope they don’t grow out of season and become so ridiculously expensive in the near term… I’m trying to come up with more #breakfastideas, but sometimes, old is gold (plus, eggs and avocado make a superb healthy combination that is hard to beat)… Besides cooking, I’ve been hooked onto a new drama (but now it’s not new, because I’ve finished the entire series comprising of 35 episodes!!) called “Sound of the Desert”. I love the characters and their chemistry on screen – in particular, Eddie Peng and Cecilia Liu! I ship them all the way~ haha.